A structured approach

act3 assists executives to apply the same accepted strategic planning logic, disciplines and rigour used in business to develop a personal strategic plan for themselves. Our proprietary methodology leverages a combination of business planning frameworks, strategic facilitation, leadership expertise, insights and experience.

Our process includes a combination of self-discovery, vision, research, reflection, engaging with others, testing ideas and tactical execution. The approach we take is structured, however the focus of individual sessions and outcomes are always unique. There is no one act3 solution; every business and every executive is different.

We listen, we challenge, we ask the right questions

act3’s approach centres on a trusted, support relationship that delivers value. Our independent facilitators are experienced strategists and business leaders, but first and foremost are accomplished in the “art of questioning”. They support the executive via a discovery process, that leads to the creative generation and exploration of ideas. Targeted questions are posed, established thinking is challenged and new intersections, constantly tested.

Tailored programs – individual and small group

In a supportive and highly collaborative atmosphere, we typically engage with executive and emerging talent through one-on-one and/or small group sessions.

When and where appropriate, act3 may engage the executive’s spouse, as well as independent experts, to support key ‘reality checks’ that help focus planning priorities and options.

People & Partnerships

act3's great strength is its people and partnerships: people who are exemplars of act3, have a passion for helping others and have empathy. People with credibility and extensive business experience, who are able to look at strategic talent and career choices in new ways, in order to find fresh compelling insights, new intersects and opportunities. People who value our methodologies and approaches and yet aren’t afraid to ask the tough questions. People other people like to be with.

  • At the core are our principals who are widely regarded as thought leaders in their field. Each brings different expertise and experience, which makes for a strong and diverse team to develop our business and assist our clients. Our principals have an outstanding record of working with global executives and organizations over many years.
  • Our advisory panel includes prominent business leaders who enhance act3 and help us remain at the forefront of thinking on act3 planning.
  • We have established a team of exemplary accredited Facilitators. All are experienced business professionals in their own right and bring extensive skills and knowledge in strategic planning and managing change at a personal and organizational level. They bring their own talents, insights and understanding to the relationships we develop with every individual and for every company.
  • act3's service partners are leaders in their fields - providing expert support in areas such as health management, financial advice and organizational and counseling psychology.
  • We also bring access to an extended network of affiliates who provide complimentary services to help our clients explore their act3 - in fields such as executive recruitment, training and placement of non-executive directors, connection to not-for-profit organizations, etc.

act3 Partnerships

act3 offers a wide range of talent, leadership, organisational change and career management solutions. We proudly work alongside a select group of leading global leadership and talent specialists.